
About Users

System Users who will manage the online system. These users are managed by admin to access the system. Admin is required to assign specific role and vehicle group to that user so that only that user can have access to those assigned functionalities only.

Superuser can give various permissions to a user to manage the scope and features he can use within the system.

A. Add Users

Before Creating user, we would suggest to create first vehicle group and create role.

Go to vehicle Module – Manage Vehicle Group – Create Vehicle Group.

Go to Setting Module – User Access management – Create role – assign modules or features with its functionality.

Create User system from User (manager) Module.

o Add Basic detail of User (First name, Last name, Email id & photo).

o Set Password to access that user profile.

o Assign the role to manage the system.

o Assign vehicle Group to that user.

B.Manage Users

Here User can see all the system users that are created by default or by you. you can view all users with serial numbers, profile photos, email IDs, and account creation date and time.

Show Entries

By clicking the Show User Entries menu, you can set the number of user entries according to your needs, such as 10, 25, 50, or 100. If you select 10 users, you will see only 10 users. You have to click next button or previous button to see other 10 users.

Delete Multiple Or All Users

You can select multiple or all users to delete users according to your needs.

Search Users

By clicking on the search box, you can search for users by their name, email id or account creation date.

You can search in multiple fields for specific data.

Example: You have multiple users named "Carlos" but you want to find the name "Carlos" who has a Hotmail ID. The system will generate below result.

Arrange users in ascending or descending order.

You can view user details in ascending or descending order according to your needs. You can apply in ascending or descending order of serial number, name, email and account creation date.

Edit User

Here you can edit existing user details like first name, last name, e-mail id, profile photo and you can assign a new appropriate role to current user for a specific module and admin permission. According to your needs, you can also change the vehicle group.

Delete User

User can delete the users as per requirement. To delete a user,click on the dropdown menu available in the action column and click on delete.

Change User Password

Super admin and admin can change the password of the user. To change a user's password, click on the dropdown menu available in the Action column and click on Change Password.

Last updated